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Service & Support / Bhopal

Purchased or planning to purchase a Primebook laptop and live in Bhopal? In that case, one question to come up is – Where is the Primebook service center based in Bhopal, and how can you communicate with their respective representatives?

No doubt, our Primebook, like any other laptop, may sometimes call for a replacement, repair, or maintenance. So, we provide a warranty of a year to our customers, and this warranty even holds a convenient and free pick-and-drop service in Bhopal!

If and when you surf the internet with “laptop service center in Bhopal” or “laptop repairing near me”, you shall encounter numerous options. But those options may not give as authentic service as our core technical team and may even demand a service charge.  

Hence, Primebook offers a free pick-and-drop service in Bhopal to take forward the process of your laptop repair and maintenance. The pick-and-drop service in Bhopal applies to all Primebook models! To get this facility, you can drop a request on WhatsApp or Call through the links below.

Steps to Fetch Primebook’s Pick and Drop Repair Service in Bhopal:  

  • While raising the request, describe the issues with your laptop and mention your name, exact address in Bhopal, and your Primebook’s model number. 

  • Herein, someone from our customer success team will contact you to share the steps of troubleshooting a Primebook laptop. Your task is to follow the steps minutely to fix the issues soon after it's done! 

  • For issues that cannot be fixed over call or text, our team will schedule your Primebook pick-up from the given location in Bhopal. The scheduling will take place at your convenience.  

  • After the pick-up, when your laptop is through the repair process, our team keeps sharing updates! Whenever you seek to track the repair progress, contact us at the mentioned number. 

  • Once repair is successfully done, our team will reconnect with you and schedule the drop-off to your doorstep!   

Please Note: Our free pick-and-drop repair service in Bhopal is applicable only during the one-year warranty period that starts from the date of your laptop purchase.

Cases Where Primebook’s Free Pick-and-Drop Service is Non-applicable: 

1. Primbeook’s pick-and-drop repair service in Bhopal does not apply to any laptop other than ours. 

2. This free pick-and-drop service in Bhopal is not applicable in case your laptop’s warranty period comes to an end. 

3. If your Primebook’s warranty lapses, but a repair is necessary, we ought to charge a price for the service. Our team will inform you of the estimated charges only after examining the laptop fixes. 

4. The Primebook warranty doesn’t apply to damages occurring from wire cuts, reckless use, unauthorized servicing, thunderstorms, lightning, exposure to volatile atmospheric conditions, liquid spillage, etc.