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Service & Support / Chennai

Purchased or plan to purchase a Primebook laptop and reside in Chennai? Here, one question is obvious to arise in your mind: Where is the Primebook service center based, and how to reach out to their concerned team? 

Undeniably, being a tech gadget, your Primebook laptop may sometimes need repairs, replacement, or maintenance to enjoy its seamless functionality for a long. Therefore, Primebook comes with a one-year warranty with a free pick-and-drop service in Chennai. 

If and when you search for “laptop repairs near me in Chennai” or “laptop service centers in Chennai”, numerous options will appear on Google. But those services are not always appropriate, like the service provided by our core technical team, and they may even charge for service. 

Thus, Primebook brings a convenient pick-and-drop service to Chennai to assist your Primebook maintenance and repair. Our free pick-and-drop service in Chennai applies to every Primebook laptop. To avail of it, you must raise a request by using the underlying buttons.

The Quick Steps to Get Primebook Pick and Drop Service in Chennai:  

  • While requesting the service, leave a short description of the issues you see in your Primebook, along with your name, location in Chennai, and the Primebook model number.  

  • Herein, our customer service team will contact you with a few troubleshooting steps and try to fix the issue. You must follow each step with precision. 

  • In case the issues aren’t solved via call or chat, our team will schedule your Primebook pick-up from the said location in Chennai, according to your suitable time and date. 

  • After the pick-up is successful and your laptop is under the process of repair in our warehouse, you will get a constant update from our team. Whenever you seek to know the repair progress, drop a text on the given WhatsApp number.

  • Once the repair is done, our support team will reconnect to schedule the drop-off service. 

Please Note: Our free pick-and-drop repair service in Hyderabad is applicable only within the warranty period, which is one whole year from the date of your laptop purchase. 

Cases Where Our Free Pick-and-Drop Service in Chennai is Not Applicable: 

1. Primebook’s pick-and-drop service in Chennai is not provided for any laptops leaving  Primebook. 

2. Our free pick-and-drop service in Chennai stands null and void when your Primebook warranty gets expired. 

3. While your Primebook warranty is over, and your laptop needs a replacement or repair, it shall require necessary charges. The team will inform you about such a service charge only after evaluating the device fixes. 

4. The Primebook warranty cannot be claimed in case of physical damages due to improper use, wire cuts, thunderstorms, lightning, exposure to volatile atmospheric conditions or extreme temperatures, etc.